Simon Says

A good activity for getting kids’ attention and getting/keeping them focused.


Children ages 4 can listen to verbal cues and carry out the action Lang. IA
Children ages 2 ½-3 can carry out 2 simple commands given at once Lang. IA
and they can imitate simple actions GM IX
Children ages 2 can understand and follow simple directions Lang. IA


Any open area.



1. While the children learn the game, the teacher explains that children are to do what Simon Says each time. The teacher is Simon and begins with simple commands like, "Simon Says put your hands on your head (knees, feet, etc.)."

2. When they have gotten the idea, give them harder commands while demonstrating. "Simon Says, Put your elbow on your knee."

3. Vary by not demonstrating and only giving verbal cues. The teacher could turn around from the group, say "Simon Says ..." and turn back quickly to see if they have all gotten it right.

4. Children take turns being Simon.

5. With older children, vary by giving verbal directions while demonstrating an opposite movement, e.g., while rubbing your stomach, say "Simon Says pat your head." Tell children to do what you say.