Animal Masks and Movements

Pantomiming animals and making masks is a great project for children who are shy or have little language.


Children ages 4-5 years can pantomime an animal Lang. IIIB
and they will be able to use glue to bond things together FM III
Children participating will be able to guess the name of an animal that another child pantomimes and can construct an animal face with collage materials.



Construction paper in various shapes and colors; glue; paper bags large enough to fit over head, with eyes cut out; strips of paper; yarn; buttons; scraps of material; felt pens


1. Have children sit around table. Give each child a paper bag. Ask them to think of an animal they want to be and tell only you, whispering it in your ear.

2. Tell them to make faces of the animals on their bags. Put out all the materials for mask-making. As masks are finished, write the name of animal on the bag.

3. When all masks are finished, have children sit in a circle with their masks on. Have each child stand in the middle of the circle and act out the animal she made. The group tries to guess what animal she is.