Pantomime a Sequence Story

If charades makes a comeback as a party game, our kids will be ready!



Children 5 and up can appropriately sequence a story Lang. IIB
and children 2 and up can pantomime an action shown in a picture Lang. IIIB
All children can participate in role playing involving specific situations Cog. IV A
and name an action which is being pantomimed.


Several sets of 2-3 sequenced action cards. For example, seed growing into flower, person fixing a tire, balloon being blown up. Pictures can be cut from magazines or cartoon books and pasted on index cards. Make sure actions are explicit and easily performed with one action.


1. Have children sit in a circle on the floor and tell them that each child will take turns being the actor and the rest will be the audience. The audience has to guess what the actor is doing.

2. Take one child away from circle and show him 2 or 3 sequenced pictures. Ask him what he sees and tell him to act out these pictures to see if the group can guess what he is doing.

3. Child pantomimes the pictures and the group guesses what he is doing.