PROJECT #1: Make a Restaurant: A day-long group event

This activity involves the whole class. There are three small group projects that work toward the actual event of the restaurant (snack time).



Children 5 and up can play in a group that is goal-directed toward a product; cooperative play SE IV
The children are able to work well with other children SE IV
and children ages 2 up can understand and follow the directions Lang. IA


See “Cooking Projects” for objectives, materials, and procedures


As with most fine restaurants, your restaurant should offer a choice of food and drink. Young children enjoy options. Try offering two different drinks and types of sandwiches or pizzas.

1. With the help of the children who choose to be "chefs", mix up two pitchers of juice, perhaps apple and grape. (These colors look good on the menu)

2. Prepare individual sandwiches (toasted peanut butter and toasted cheese are popular) and again have a nice color contrast for the menus. Another good choice would be individual pizzas. Plain cheese pizzas or cheese and hot dog pizza are often favorites.