Clothing Store

This project might be done over a week or more. Try starting with just one type of clothing (e.g. hats or shoes) and adding a new "department" each day.



Children can associates articles of clothing with roles for imaginative play Cog. IV A
Children ages 3-4 can sort by type of clothing Cog. IIIA
nd children ages 1 ½-2 can use words to express wants Lang. IIIA
and children under 1 ½ can identify articles of clothing by pointing Lang. IB


Paper; felt pens; variety of dress-up clothes (especially hats related to specific roles), shoes, dresses, coats, pants, purses, ties, robes, shirts, scarves; a receipt book; strips of paper or play money to be used as cash.


1. If possible, on the day before the lesson take the children on a trip to a clothing store to see how clothes are displayed and how to make a purchase.

2. The next day, bring a box filled with clothing into the housekeeping corner. Discuss what goes into a clothing store, who will work in the store and who will be shoppers, and how purchases are made. Then set up store with props and clothing.

3. Begin by showing each garment and having children identify it by name. Have children suggest who might wear the garment and for what occasion (party, work, etc.). Sort garments by kinds, placing each kind in a different area of the shop. Children may want to write labels (e.g. shoes) for each area.

4. Teacher should remain present to guide the activity, facilitate language and encourage the children to participate. It is helpful to participate, not as a director, but as an active party in the play activity. Suggesting that you are going on a trip and need such and such provides an opportunity for a variety of responses and stimulates verbal interaction and discussion. Encourage imaginative play that evolves out of the purchases such as: having a tea party with everyone wearing their newly purchased clothes; building a road with those in working hats, etc.